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Day Care

Essay by   •  December 26, 2012  •  Essay  •  437 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,356 Views

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My name is Joana and I started schooling when I was four since our former house was nearby the Day Care Center so with that age I was called the "saling pusa" and after a year I was already an illegitimate student. I can remember that I'm always the biggest and the tallest among our class. I also love to be always chosen for the intermission numbers like modern dancing and folk dancing even in roleplaying. Special attention? I really don't know but maybe because .................. I have accomplished my first level of education as second honor. In kinder my teacher was my aunt and I was at -------- honor. What's very memorable with that school year was that when my aun was discussing a lesson which I'm interested in so I was playing with my coins where I'm throwing it in the air and suddenly... BOOOM! The coin was already on my throat and I found my aunt holding me and bringing me outside our room and started slapping my back. it was indeed a throbbing experience and from then on i swore to myself to never play with it again. I have another coin experience with that aunt of mine, every time I would forget to ask a 5 peso baon from my mom she would always give me one and I was really shy to ask money from her and will never tell her that I forgot I would just wait and wish for luck that she'll be able to figure out that I am not still having my recess. I excel well in school and if I am to grade myself by that time I should always be in top 5 and should never deserve and rank of lower than that. Not until I reach grade 3 where I thought that I could already achieve the 1st or 2nd honor but we were all really shocked to know that I was called at the rank 7th and I was immensely pissed-off because I know from myself how I perform in our class (how assuming I was, but I have really observe well my class performance and of my classmates too in that school year). And everyone who ranked higher than me were all the sons and daughters of other teachers. That teacher was known for her favoritism that's why there's no doubt about the result and with that I swore to myself again that I would never be studying in this school. My families have supported me and sent me into a private school and there I found the bona fide education.



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