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Face Transplants Should Not Be Banned

Essay by   •  May 2, 2011  •  Essay  •  785 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,034 Views

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Dinoire, I. (2006, February). Face patient wants "normal life". Retrieved December 19, 2007, from http://edition.cnn.com/2006/health/02/06/face.transplant/index.html

Khamsi, R. (2006, April 18). New Scientist. 2533, 23.

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Face transplants should not be banned

One night in 1999, Jacqueline Sabundo, a 20 year old woman was driving. Suddenly a drunk driver crashed on her car. The car was wrecked and on fire. The poor woman was on fire for 45 seconds. After 40 surgery operations she was able to live. But her life was totally different after the incident, having a melted face and with her husband and kids leaving her because of this. What if she could have a face transplant by that time? Wouldn't Jacqueline be ale to have a better life? The world's most successful face transplant took place in France in 2005. Receiver was a 38-year-old woman, Isabell Dinoir, who was a victim of a dog attack. Nowadays Jacqueline is hoping to have a transplant soon to be able to proceed living normally(). Believe it or not, some people are against these operations and they want to ban them. I personally believe that these operations should not be banned and instead must be embraced by all doctors and society. It is an operation that disfigured or injured people need in order to have a normal life.

Face transplant is a risky operation. The patient's immune system may reject the organ,if it takes it as an invader. This will lead to patient's health and psychological problems. In order to prevent this from happening transplant receivers take, for a lifetime, pills and drugs that suppress their immune system. But these pills and drugs not only are expensive (approximately $1000 per month) and have a chance not to work but also the long term use of them increase the risk of infections and cancer. And even if all these goes as planned, there are many questions on whether this operation worth the risk. Also the fact that the patient will now have another face, a face similar to the donor, may lead to psychological problems to his family or



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