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My Life Story

Essay by   •  April 10, 2012  •  Essay  •  378 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,190 Views

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My life story has a beginning , a middle and an end ! It may be complicating sometimes but other times it is okay. Here recently i lost my great grandfather . One of the hardest things I have ever went through. But i am also losing my grandfather whom i am really close to, to cancer. That is really hard. He went from being over 200 pounds to 145 in less than 6 months. They dont make it to be much longer for him . But i am preparing myself for when it happens. And my other grandpa is going in for surgery and has a 30 percent chance of making it out . So yeah i will be pretty upset for a while. But what does not kill you makes you stronger. So there for , what i do for the rest of my life, will be for my family. I am going to live and make them proud of me . No matter what my choices are in life , I know they will always be proud. This is for you grandpas ! Thanks for being there when i needed you and for being strong and fighting through this tough fight ! Love you forever and always. And to my great grandma that lost two of her sons, and her husband and is about to lose her last son, yu are one of my biggest heros ! I look up to you ! I have never seen anybody go through so much and still stand tall ! I know you will always be here for me no matter what ! Stay strong ! Not just for me , but for your self ! Thanks to my family that has been here for everything ! I love all of you ! And to my dad... Ha well if you dont want me in your life, then its what it is ! I mean i am not forcing you to . Have fun with your new family and the new baby on the way and the three kids that arent even yours ! While the four kids that are yours have a really good life with their mom ! Best mom she could be to us !



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