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Proof of Gods Existence

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Proof of God's Existence

There are five arguments based on the existence of God, four of these arguments are brought about by our direct experience of the world and one which is based on only the concept of God. These arguments include the ontological argument, the cosmological argument, the argument from design, the moral argument, and the argument from experience. All five of these arguments have been bought about in different terms throughout philosophy and by different philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, these arguments were also disputed by thinkers such as Descartes, Hume, and Kant. These arguments are still resent today and are used to understand the rational basis of why we believe the way we do. It is up to each individual to figure out which argument best fits the way they believe.

The Ontological Argument

The ontological argument is the only argument of God's existence that does not rely on our own experiences of the world to be verified, instead it relies on logical inferences from the concept of God. This argument was adapted by Descartes but has been reformulated in recent times. The classical form of the argument comes from Anselm in Psalm 14 when he addresses to fool that says in his heart there is no God.

Anselms version of the version of the ontological argument is that when we refer to God we are referring to a being in which nothing greater can be conceived. This being that exists must exist in the mind as well as in reality. Therefore, God must exist in the mind as well as in reality to be a being in which nothing greater can be conceived.

Descartes version of the ontological argument is that Goad is absolutely perfect. People practically believe that it is more perfect for something to exist than not to exist. Therefore, God is a perfect being and must exist.

\ Hume and Kant both refuted this argument. Hume refuted this by saying if we can conceive of something it is not a logical contradiction. If something that is existing can be conceivable than something that is nonexistent can be conceivable. Kant's refusion was that something is not a logical contradiction if it can be conceived. If you imagine or think that God exists than it is just a matter of one's thinking.

Norman Malcom later revised the ontological argument. His revision was that God's existence is inconceivable. If God does exist, than he has always existed because if he would have came into existence than he is not eternal and independently perfect. God's existence is not self-contradictory so it is logically necessary that God exists.

The Cosmological Argument

The cosmological argument is posteriori unlike the ontological argument. This argument seeks to postulate God's existence by explanation of experiences on certain world features. The main feature of the argument is dependency. This means that things in the world depend on other things which in return depend on others. The only way to stop this cycle is having one thing that does not depend on anything. This one thing is what we call God.

Thomas Aquinas considered the argument the most persuasive form of reasoning. Aquinas believes that God's existence ends the chain of dependency of things for motion. Gottfried Leibniz's principle of sufficient reasoning also supports this by stating that every fact has a sufficient reason that supports its being. So basically God is the reason as to why we are here.

David Hume refutes this argument by stating that just because every event in the universe has a cause does not mean that the universe itself has a cause. More further eve if a cause was required to explain the universes existence, it is huge to say that God is the main cause.

The Argument from Design

The argument from design is an argument that says that the universe and all of its parts show evidence of purpose order, and regularity. These qualities are also shown through the products of human design. Therefore, the universe and all of its parts has a designer with great powers in which we may call God.

The argument of design is one of the most popular and believed arguments on God's existence. But, of course like all other arguments it has been refuted. David Hume refuted this argument in his



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