Rough Draft - Japanese Fashion
Essay by people • March 13, 2012 • Research Paper • 2,639 Words (11 Pages) • 1,997 Views
Justin McQueen
Mrs. Landis
English 12
Rough Draft
Have you ever had a friend you known who was either you other in the past or possibly just your friend from school or some place, but was interested in their culture? Well, I for one is someone who's curious enough to find out what their culture is like other than from where I remain, the United States of America where our culture is completely different, but ever changing from time to time. In the past, I had friends and still friends of today of a certain culture which is called Japanese. Among other Asian cultures I'm interested in, it's mostly Japanese out of Chinese, Korean and Filipino.
Though out the year, the Japanese people have many festivals and events that occur every few months or monthly. These people carry themselves with these events that bring spirit and joy to the people or honor such as the dead("Annual Events"). One of the events of the beginning quarter of the year is New Year's holidays is traditionally known as Shogatsu. A time for thanking the gods (kami) who oversee the harvest and welcoming the ancestors' spirits who protect their families. For example, the ancestors' shield the families from negativity and bad vibes that surrounds those people. Another part of the tradition is the decorations of pine branches and bamboo put at both sides of the entrances to the house; this was the way to welcome the gods with spirits also. Shogatsu is the most important annual celebrations.
Another part within the New Year's holidays, an event called Otoshidama which means, Presents of Money for Children. In this one, children of Japanese receive special presents of spending money to buy whatever they feel they needs. It is a truly marvelous thing, it's like having a second birthday in my opinion. The events give children of age some all the way up to high school students that possibly gain 5,000 or 10,000 yen per gift something to look forth to in the New Year. In our money currency, that's about 122.24 dollars for 10,000. So, they obtain multiple amounts from relatives or parents. Japan has another annual event which is more like sightseeing. This one is called, Hanami. Hanami means Cherry-Blossom Viewing and happens at the end of March to the new month. Once the cherry blossoms begin to come, it symbolizes the country beginning to bloom. During the period, the people of Japan make picnics under the pink flowered tree or host activities.
In the summer, Tanabata is the first annual observance of summer that falls on July 7 It's a day that commemorate a romantic story that first been handed down to Japan's imperial court. Tanabata is celebrated in numerous places, best-known at Kitano Tenmagu Shine in Kyoto and various others. To the people, it was believed that wishes made on this day hopefully will be fulfilled for what they desire. In gardens and other places, people put leaf-bearing bamboo stalks to whose branches they attached strips of paper that is listed with the wishes. When the lights are off, moon is up hanging over Japan the people of Japan light the skies with bright lights. Not plain average lights, but the Japanese people were known for their beautiful Japanese fireworks. It is called, Hanabi Taikai. From generation to generations since the Edo period which crafted the best displays. The last annual event I shall be on about is Bonenkai which means, Year-end parities. It begins in earlier December to show gratification of people's hard work throughout the year and accomplishments. It is like to show appreciation in other words and relieving one of difficulties by having a good time which is hosted in pubs or restaurants.
Japan has plenty more events always occurring monthly or festivals. Compare to what we have in America like Valentine's Day, Presidents Day I'm sure they also celebrate, but Japan has more activity going on than the United States. I believe what a foreign country does such as festivals and events is what brings them closer together which is like national happiness to all the people which makes them able to cooperate more like friends than just strangers. In my opinion, it's better to see happy faces throughout the year which makes my day perfect.
The Japanese food is very delicious if you know what kind of things you are pick ing up or ingredients. Some things in their country they serve there like pets which we don't eat such as cats and dogs. You might be shocked to think it's a familiar tasting food you had before which it can taste like. The culinary culture of the food, it's been importing foreign cuisines for many than 100 years like China and a few other Asian countries. Their way of having a healthy diet has gained recognition for the importance of eating a healthy diet to maintain overall good health has contributed to an unprecedented Japanese boom overseas. It has also increasingly expanded the growth of restaurants. The Japanese food culture has been evolving following the introduction of wet rice cultivation from Asia more than 2,000 years ago. As seen today, the tradition of rice served with seasonal vegetables, fish and other marines products went to a highly sophisticated form in the Edo period (1603-1868) and remains a vibrant core of native Japanese cuisine.
In the centuries following introduction of Buddhism to Japan in the 6th century, laws and imperial edicts generally gotten rid the eating of almost all flesh of animals and flow. A style of eating a diet is vegetarian style of cooking known as shojin ryori was later popularized by the Zen sect. In the 15th century, many foods and food ingredients eaten by Japanese today had already made their debut. One of the standard styles of Japaan is Hozen Ryori is usually cooked along with chakaiseki ryoi (the cuisine of the tea ceremony meal) and kaiseki ryoi. Kaiseki ryori was developed around 19th century is still served at first-class Japanese restaurants known as ryotei. With fresh seasonal ingredients in and artful presentations of earlier styles, the meals have little rules of etiquette in a more relaxed surroundings.
One of the drinks people have during meals was Sake. This was because Japanese don't generally eat rice while drinking sake. It was provided rather at the end and sake first. The Japanese had appetizers which is sliced raw fish called sashimi, suimono (clear soup), yakimono (grilled foods), mushimono (streamed food) and more. However, sushi is topped on riced or cmbined with such items as raw fish in Edo since early 19th century. The Japanese for contemporary dinner