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Adolf Hitler: His Role in the History

Essay by   •  June 5, 2011  •  Essay  •  2,106 Words (9 Pages)  •  2,195 Views

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Adolf Hitler: His Role in the History

The present paper focuses on the life and artistic career of Adolf Hitler, the Nazi leader and the person who stamped all the 20th century with his actions and policies. It is difficult to describe such a cruel and evil person, who killed millions of people and can be considered a nightmare for the other people. But still he is the historical personage and in the present paper his biography, artistic career and his impact on the whole world and history will be described, as this topic is of great human and historical interest in public.

It is necessary to begin with the early years, as this is the period when the character that can influence the future life of the person is formed and it can provide the explanation of future actions of the person. The situation is the same with Hitler, but it is difficult to find and understand some slight understandings in his young years, as he was a usual boy with no hints to future cruelness. Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in a small Austrian town, called Braunau situated on the border between Austria and Germany. He was the legitimate son of Alois Hitler, a customs official, and Klara Hitler, who was a housewife. He was the fourth child in the family, which was of a middle-class and led a normal and comfortable life.

It is interesting to take into account the characteristics of young Hitler in that period of time, as the teachers in school described him like "a thin, pale youth who lacked application, did not make full use of his talents, and was unable to accommodate himself to school discipline" (Giblin 4). The discipline in the family was quite strict, as the father sometimes whipped the children, as well as Adolf for the bad marks and behavior. The Hitler's mother was kind and shy, as compared with the father and children were not afraid of her. During the early times, the character of Adolf was formed, and due to the fact that his father whipped him he decided not to cry and feel the pain silently, after this he was never beaten again. This episode shows the force of the character even in young years.

In his young years Hitler dreamed to become an artist, as he thought he had some talent to art and enjoyed drawing very much. But his father was strictly against this kind of occupation and wanted Hitler to attend the military services. After the school it was time to choose the type of further education and in this case Hitler again followed his father's plan and went to study in Realschule. He knew that there were some drawing classes in that kind of establishment, as he still had some intentions to become an artist. He studied at that institution, but was an average pupil, some subjects were easy for him, but the greater numbers of subjects were quite difficult such as geography, mathematics, French and some other. Adolf hoped that due to such bad marks and little progress in study, his father would refuse this idea and would let him to devote himself to his dream of becoming an artist (Giblin 8).

But this did not happen, as in 1903 his father died and after this event the life of young Hitler changed. For some years he continued the study at school, but finally he decided to drop it and at the age of sixteen years he finished his formal study. Then the life of Hitler was just usual, he visited the theatres and operas with his friends and still intended to become a famous artist one day. As a result of that desire Adolf asked his mother to give him money to move to Vienna and enter the Academy of Arts there. But he did not pass an exam there, and one more event happened some time later, in 1907 year his mother died from cancer, "died as quietly as she had lived". Further on, Adolf would write in his autobiography "I had honored my father, but my mother I had loved..." (Giblin 11). She was the only person who meant more to him and who occupied the great place in his life, but he lost her and did not know what to do in that period of time. At last he decided to return to Vienna and live there with his friend August Kubizek, who not only had the same dreams but in the field of music, but also liked operas, plays and theatres as well as Hitler.

The next year he tried to enter the Academy again, but this time he failed again. After some years in Vienna, he decided to move to Germany in 1913, and started to paint there as well as he did in Vienna. He could not believe that he failed to enter the Academy, as he knew that he had the great talent for drawing. He was quite happy in Munich, he admired he lifestyle he led, and besides he was occupied by the favorite occupation. But this period did not last long, as in 1914 he had to return to his native town of Linz "for duty in the Austrian army", but even in this case the Austrian army did not accept him, stating that he was "unfit for combat and auxiliary duties, too weak, unable to bear arms..."(Giblin 16). It is seen, that during the whole life Hitler had a lot of failures in different spheres that somehow stamped his future life and presupposed his cruel feeling for the entire world and people.

The 1914 year is known for the beginning of the World War 1, the conflict between Germany and Russia, and in this case Adolf asked to be enlisted in the Bavarian army and was accepted. Adolf Hitler was happy with this event for various reasons, first of all he had the food and place to live, and second, he had the definite purpose, "to fight for Germany, the nation he had passionately admired since he was a boy" (Giblin 17). At last one dream came true in the whole life of Adolf Hitler; he was happy and satisfied with the results.

During the World War 1 Hitler was formed as a politician, not during his life in Vienna or Munch, where his literal speeches did not influence greatly his friends and people who lived with him, his principal admirations in that time were "architecture and operas of Richard Wagner" (Nicholls 16). His political reputation during the war grew rapidly and he became the know orator and agitator in masses, he learned "how



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