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Critical Analysis of Globalization and Indian Experience

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Critical Analysis of Globalization and Indian Experience


Bhumika Thakor*

, Banswara (Raj.), India 2010.

Globalization is not merely a chapter in the syllabus of the subjects like Economics and Geography; it has transcended beyond the matchbox walls of subjects and assumed a global structure because of its rapid acceleration. Globalization with its various dimensions, viz. economic, political, social, cultural, technological, biological, environmental, agricultural and spiritual; affects every aspect of human existence without any discrimination of caste, creed, religion and social status.

This research paper will embrace pros, cons and effects of globalization on world in general and on India in particular. This ubiquitous phenomenon has blanketed the world, and India is no exception. Our nation is now local in global surroundings and global in its own locality.

India has experienced first instance of globalization long back when the Dutch and the British touched its shores. Since then the phenomenon of globalization has acquired zenith and heading towards higher skies.

Whether globalization is a threat or it will give impetus to the development of India is a much debated and discussed question. It is well known that every coin has two faces and every cloud has a silver lining. Same is true in the case of globalization, it has both merits and limitations. At the same time, it cannot be denied that it has changed the face of Indian subcontinent on international platform. India's response to globalization is gravid with both appreciation and apprehension.

The ancient concept of Vasudhev Kutumbakam is deep rooted in Indian culture and psyche so the concept of globalization is not a threat on cultural and humanitarian level. However, the globalization of yesterday is different from that of today, and for this very reason it is dealt with trepidation. Globalization as an omnipresent entity regulates, deregulates and affects the life of those who are not even aware of it. The diffusion of diversities on international platform provides consciousness to understand different cultures and leaves us alienated along with it. Anti- globalization stance is often vocal because of all these limitations.

Globalization in itself is a neutral aspect. It can be utilized for either good or bad. It can be taken as both bliss and bane. We can prioritize our needs rationally by identifying a sustainable model of international interaction.

Key Words:-

Globalization: definition and concept, dimensions: economic, political, social, cultural, technological, biological, environmental, agricultural and spiritual; pros and cons, global versus local, anti-globalization, possibilities and expectations.




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