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Happy New Year Poem

Essay by   •  August 6, 2011  •  Essay  •  355 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,560 Views

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Happy New Year Poem

For mercy great, unending still,

Which gave up to the grave

Thine only Son, the Sinless One,

Our sinful souls to save.

While entering on another year

Our cares on Thee we cast,

Beseeching aid in days to come

Which cheered us through the past.

That still the freedom may be ours

To kneel down in Thy sight,

And worship Thee at shut of day,


Happy New Year Poem

For mercy great, unending still,

Which gave up to the grave

Thine only Son, the Sinless One,

Our sinful souls to save.

While entering on another year

Our cares on Thee we cast,

Beseeching aid in days to come

Which cheered us through the past.

That still the freedom may be ours

To kneel down in Thy sight,

And worship Thee at shut of day,



Happy New Year Poem

For mercy great, unending still,

Which gave up to the grave

Thine only Son, the Sinless One,

Our sinful souls to save.

While entering on another year

Our cares on Thee we cast,

Beseeching aid in days to come

Which cheered us through the past.

That still the freedom may be ours

To kneel down in Thy sight,

And worship Thee at shut of day,




Happy New Year Poem



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