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Internships in the End of Grade 8

Essay by   •  May 15, 2011  •  Study Guide  •  494 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,950 Views

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Purpose of Internships

Internships in the end of Grade 8 were significant as these internships were going to give us an idea about the subject choices in Grade 9. In Grade 9, the students were to choose their subjects and there were a few subjects that they weren't familiar with, i.e. Business, Law, Accounts, etc.

The purpose of these internships was to give the students an insight about these subjects. The students had a wide range of options available ranging from the Forensic Science Laboratory to a Law firm to a restaurant for business.

The subjects such as Internet technology and Biology which we are already familiar to were to give a deeper insight about that subject. These internships, in the end were to help the students narrow down onto the subjects they would like to select next year.

These internships will not only help in making informed choices of the subjects but will also help the students experience professional work places, it will use almost all their skills and attitudes including language package for communication, submitting application letters, etc, meeting deadlines for the tasks given by their workplace and arriving the given destination at the right time, etc.

I chose two places - Business in a garment shop and Law in a law firm.

Expectations of internship - Before starting

My expectations differed for both my intern places. The first place I went for internships was The Centre of Social Justice. It was a law firm that made sure that women, dalits and kids got their human rights. I expected to understand the whole system of law - from a case being filed to it being presented in a court, etc. I also wanted to understand the basic laws, the basic types of lawyers as law is a career option for me. I wanted to know the basic lawyers also as I knew only of a few of them. I wanted to have a wider range.

My expectation of the business internship was to understand, in basic terms what business exactly is. I wanted to learn a few new terms relating to business, and I definitely wanted to learn accounts. Business was a completely new subject for me and I wanted to start from scratch. As far as I knew, business was an interesting subject that can be used in daily life and we will have to use it when we grow up.

Day - wise journal

My expectations -Result

The first internship in The Centre of Social Justice was pretty nice. I got to visit the High Court on the first day itself and I learnt



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