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Student Learning Goals Worksheet

Essay by   •  June 7, 2011  •  Study Guide  •  813 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,463 Views

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Student Learning Goals Worksheet

Directions: The following set of questions asks you to account for and evaluate the skillsets you

already possess and will develop further develop over the course of the semester. You

are expected to advance individually and to make contributions to your team in three


 writing Technologies and Media

 Writing and Research Processes

 Social Networking Skills

At the beginning of the course, your instructors will assist you in answering those

questions that fall under each skill set areas. At the end of the course, you will be asked

to review your initial answers to these questions and assess your growth in these skill set


You will receive credit for filling out this form. This form will not be used to evaluate you

for a major grade; your instructors will use it to place you with an appropriate community

partner, based your responses and their responses to the community partner assessment

form. You and your instructors will also use this form to reflect on your skill set

development throughout the course.

Community Partner Preferences:

List your top three choices of community partners to work with this semester. For each

one, be sure to include a sentence or two explaining why you think you would be a good

fit with that community partner, given what you've written below (DO THIS LAST).





Please give the following personal information so that we may contact you.

NAME AND RANK Chao Zeng sophomore year student

MAJOR Finance

EMAIL/ CONTACT INFO Phone number 5178027210 Email zengchao@msu.edu


In the area of writing Technologies and Media, you should indicate what writing

technologies and types of media you have worked with before and what your level of

mastery is with each of these writing technologies and media. Common writing

technologies and media include but are not limited to: desktop publishing software

(brochures, newsletters, powerpoints, letters, posters, etc.); web design programs

(websites, links, videos, databases, etc.); visual design software (video, photo, layout).


Answer the following questions at the beginning of the course.

What technologies and types of media can you already produce (out of the ones listed in the above

paragraph)? How have you used these technologies



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