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Organizational Structure Paper

Essay by   •  January 25, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,396 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,885 Views

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Organizational Structure Paper

The first organization will be discussed is Hewitt Packer (HP) this company makes printers and ink cartridges for the printers. HP is well known around the world and is global as well. They have and Internet site so that after the customer buys a product he or she can go online and buy their products and have the products shipped to his or her home.

Organization is the first function of management that deals with the gathering and sorting of resources. Organization is needed to achieve any goals that the organization have. HP uses its resources to assign authority figures the jobs needed to be completed. The managers give the responsibility of dividing the work to the leaders to spread out into specific departments and tasks and to coordinate different tasks within the organization that needs to be completed. The decentralized structure prepares the employees for change. The lower- level management has the authority to make important decisions and changes when needed to make the company better. The management understands that HP consists of many departments. These departments have different tasks and allow these departments to focus on the completion of these tasks. Management recognizes that each department must communicate with each other. If there is no communication between managers the company cannot provide the best product to the customer. Understanding the departmentalization of HP ensures the company goals are achieved and its resources such as Human Resource and Technology affect the organization's structure.

The function of the human resource department ranges from hiring employees, explaining benefits to processing payroll. The human resource department must ensure that each department is sufficiently staffed at all times. They must replace employees who have resigned, been promoted, or terminated (hp, 2007).

The founders of HP put value not only on making products but also on creating a friendly corporate culture. These beliefs became the foundation of the "HP Way." The HP Way is to earn trust others; give respect for individual's employees and his or her responsibilities, and create an environment that supports teamwork. The managers at HP are required to share corporate objectives and help the employees to understand their role and responsibilities. The employees are taught to pursue corporate goals through open communication. The HP Way inspires entrepreneurship among its employee and encourages the employees to challenge him or her self. The company shares the profit and employees rewarded according to their performance; communication and teamwork are core values; and management trusts its employees.

Under this center is Total Rewards, which consists of compensation and benefits; training for leadership development, career development, sales programs, and new technology. There is also a workforce planning center of expertise that works with the Finance Department. In this center the financials are projected as well as the quality of people needed, the locations which people are needed and what time. The human resource department encompasses many tasks.

The next company will be going to be discussed is Boeing. Boeing's organizational structure is that of the Matrix design. With the Matrix defense, the employees and managers have two employees whom he or she has to report to, a functional manager, and a divisional manager. These two managers take the reports and look at the reports to see what Boeing in what direction the company needs to take. The communication lines flow without restraint allowing accountability from both project teams and managers. This helps employees know what is going on and how they are doing their jobs. If it is right or if he or she needs to change in how the item works. High-level executives compose most of the goals and pass the goals along to the lower levels for execution. Boeing has three organizational functions; those are human resources, marketing departments, and operations department. Boeing's human resources develop, and apply company growth activities to where the company need more help in the areas. The marketing department leads strategic direction, revenue, brand development and market share. This makes sure that anyone that invests in the company will get his or her money's worth. Making sure that the company receives the top dollar for their products. The operations department is responsible for the quality control,



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