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Christian Responses to the Modern World

Essay by   •  March 22, 2011  •  Essay  •  345 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,342 Views

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Most Christians have varying issues between the attractiveness of world issues and attraction from the church. The church is directly linked to Biblical values while the world is linked to surrounding cultural values. Many Biblical teachings sometimes appear to be good, but logic should apply to logic when dealing with modern issues.

Firstly, Christians are resistant to modern cultures that endanger one's life. They do not embrace modern cultures such as homicides because it leads to loss of lives.

Christians are supposed to be distinct, since they are Jesus followers they ought to be like a city, which is constructed on top of a mountain (Mulcahy 100). Logic should be applied because it is not fair to murder someone.

Secondly, some Christians have accommodated modern cultures such as genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is very important in the modern culture because it helps to provide medicine. Medicine resulting from genetic engineering is vital because it helps in the cure of diseases moreover usage of medicine is blessed (Brahier, Lindpaintner & Pfleiderer 47). Everyone should accommodated by modern cultures, which contribute to life perpetuation.

Lastly, Christians have varying points of view regarding use of contraceptives. According to Roman Catholic it is sinful to use contraceptive but Protestants have a flexible approach they argue that contraceptives help in family planning (Reid & Tyler 40). This has led to tension among the Christians because they do not know which way should be followed since contraceptives helps in planning families. It also beats the logic of having a large family that cannot be managed yet it could be managed previously, through use of contraceptives.

Basically, logic is very important and it should be applied when addressing modern cultural issues. Christian should always lead by example to the rest of the world.


Mulcahy, E. The Cause of our Salvation: Soteriological Causality According to some

Modern British Theologians, 1988- 1998. Rome: Editrice Pontificia University Gregoriana, 2007.

Lindpainter, K., Brahier, G and Pfleinderer G. GenEthics and Religion. Basel: Karger

Publishers, 2010.

Reid, G and Tyler Sarah K. Revision for Religious Studies GCSE: for Edexcel: Religion

and Life. Oxford: Heinemann, 2004.



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