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Compare and Contrast Hebrew and Zoroaster

Essay by   •  February 16, 2012  •  Essay  •  504 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,147 Views

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While, the religion of Zoroaster relies on their sacred book of Zoroaster, called the Zend Avesta, the Hebrew believes in the Hebrew Bible, or also known as the Old Testament. The Hebrew think that they should rule and have as much authority as they can, where as the Zoroastrian philosophy is that life is a struggle between good and evil. Also, both the Hebrew and Zoroaster religions are monotheistic. A Judgment day of some sort was also a shared belief of Jews and Zoroastrians. Zoroaster and Hebrew both have many aspects in common, but are still their own religions with their own opinions and views.

Philosophy is a big issue when it comes to a religion. What do the people believe, and why? Well, the Hebrew believes that they have the authority to rule, and to command. Zoroaster, on the other hand believe in the struggle between good and evil. The Zoroastrians believe in a heaven and hell, good and evil, light and dark. Any way you want to put it, they believe in the fact that humans have the power to choose between right and wrong. Hebrew believes that one is born into this world with original purity and not original sin. However, whatever happens after you are born into this world, pure, is of no control. These are just some of the differences in the beliefs of Zoroastrians and Jews.

The major similarity between Zoroaster and Hebrew is the fact that both of these religions are monotheistic. This means that they both believe in one god, as opposed to many gods. Jews believe in God. They believe that God is one and indivisible, and that he alone is God. They do not believe in the trinity, as some Christians do. Zoroaster believes in Ahuramazda. They believe that Ahuramazda was the only god and was "the Wise Lord". They also believe that he had characteristics that should be portrayed through humans, such as good thought, right, and piety. So, even though Zoroaster and Hebrew both are monotheistic, they believe in different gods, and have different opinions.

Another similarity between these two religions is the fact that they both believed in some sort of Judgment day. Judaism used to be split up in to two sections; the Pharisees, and the Sadducees. Back during this time, the Pharisees believed in a Judgment Day. On this Judgment day, they believed that people would be raised from the dead. In Zoroaster, they believe that one day Ahuramazda will triumph and come. They believe that when he comes, it will be the final judgment day and the final separation between good and evil will occur.

In conclusion, both the Zoroaster and the Hebrew religions have much in common, yet also differ greatly. They are both monotheistic, believe in a judgment day, and have philosophies of their own. However, they believe in different gods, have different ways of life, and different ideas of what happens on the Judgment day. Both the Zoroatrians and Jews have had a great contribution to history.



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