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Hr Management Plan and Job Aids

Essay by   •  February 6, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  2,473 Words (10 Pages)  •  2,107 Views

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HR Management Plan and Job Aids

Executive Summary

The human resource management (HRM) materials being presented are intended to develop productive ways of regarding bookkeeper employees so that businesses can successfully find and keep talent. The four primaries that will be used to support the organization's strategic plan focus on benefits, selective hiring, training procedures, and structural adaptability.

New bookkeeper employees are entitled to health benefits once they are hired. According to The United States of Labor (n.d.), "A group health plan is an employee welfare benefit plan established or maintained by an employer or by an employee organization (such as a union), or both, that provides medical care for participants or their dependents directly or through insurance, reimbursement, or otherwise" (para. 1).

HRM practices also try to regulate viable hiring processes for companies. Companies with faulty HR tactics often hire unqualified employees that cost the business money when employees are fired. Effective HRM finds key indicators for talented employees and tries to hire only these employees. If the employees do not share in the company's vision or understand its values, they will not be productive in the long term.

HRM also seeks to increase the efficiency of employees that already exist within the company. Training is a major effort of all companies, which see the benefit in keeping talent in-house and bringing employees up through the ranks by teaching them new skills as the company develops. HRM training practices range from creating web-based and classroom learning sessions to providing one-on-one coaching or training to help certain employees.

HRM strategies also help companies change their structures, moving from a vertical structure with many layers of management to a flat organization with only a few layers. This makes the business structure more adaptable and helps the business use talent more effectively. HRM helps equalize the status of employees and rework benefit plans for potential structural change.

Presentation on job analysis

Reference PowerPoint presentation

Tips for the selection process

Week 3's Checkpoint established the following:

Internally, recruitment for a new position can be filled by allowing individuals who are already employed with a company to interview for the job. The intranet can be used for this purpose. The intranet is a network based on an internet belonging to an organization, usually a corporation, accessible only by the organization's members, employees, or others with authorization. One advantage of recruiting internally is that is cheaper and quicker to recruit this way. Secondly, people are already familiar with the business and how it operates. Another advantage is that it provides opportunities for promotion with in the business.

Externally, employers may use job centers to hire new employees. These are responsible for helping the unemployed find jobs or get training. They also provide a service for businesses needing to advertise a vacancy.

Some advantages of external recruitment are that outside people bring new ideas; a larger pool of workers from which to find the best candidate; and these people can provide a wider range of experience. (para. 2-3)

The following is established from Week 3's assignment and is a complete list of interview questions to be used in the final project for hiring a bookkeeper:

1. Tell me about yourself

2. What made you choose this career?

3. Why are you applying for this post?

4. Why do you want to leave your current post?

5. Why do you want to work for our organization?

6. What do you know about our organization?

7. What do you think that our company can bring you?

8. What makes you think that you are the best candidate for this post?

9. How can you help us develop?

10. How do you see yourself in 5 / 10 years' time? (para. 8)

The following is depicted in Week 7's assignment:

Bookkeeper employees will receive benefits of the following: health insurance, time off, retirement and savings plans, and disability insurance.

Health Insurance

Our company will provide health insurance to each bookkeeper. Our impressive health benefits include 80% of all surgeries and office visits paid by the insurance company. Everyone's insurance plan is within an In-Network provider. The insurer will offer discounted co-payments to a plan member to see an In-Network provider. Generally, providers in network are providers who have a contract with the insurer to accept rates further discounted from the "usual and customary" charges the insurer pays to out-of-network providers. This also includes a prescription drug plan where the patient pays a copayment and the prescription drug insurance pays part or all of the balance for drugs covered by the benefit package. The company's insurance is covered under a preferred provider organization (PPO). PPOs themselves earn money by charging an access fee to the insurance company for the use of their network (unlike the usual insurance with premiums and corresponding payments paid either in full or partially by the insurance provider to the medical doctor). The insurer will be billed at a reduced rate when its insurers utilize the services of the "preferred" provider and the provider will see an increase in its business as almost all and or insurers in the organization will use only providers who are members.

Time Off

Paid time off, also called PTO, is to provide employees with flexible paid time off from work that can be used for such needs as vacation, personal or family illness, doctor appointments, school, and other activities of the employee's choice. Each full time employee will accrue PTO bi-weekly in hourly increments based on their length of service. PTO is not earned in pay periods during which unpaid leave, short or long term disability leave or workers' compensation leave are taken.

Employees may use time from their PTO bank in hourly increments. To take PTO requires two days of notice to the supervisor and Human Resources unless the PTO is used for legitimate,



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