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Ludwig Van Beethoven Case

Essay by   •  June 2, 2011  •  Essay  •  381 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,095 Views

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Ludwig van Beethoven is considered to be one of the most prominent and well known musicians through out the world. He was born in December, in the year 1770, in Bonn. Since childhood, he showed keen interest towards music; probably because music ran in his blood. His father wanted to make him the next Mozart, which the world would remember and praise (Davies, 55). In the year 1778, Beethoven was successful in giving his first formal appearance in Cologne. In the year 1782, Christian-Gottlob Neefee became his music instructor and mentor. In the 1782, Beethoven had "successfully published his first work: 9 variations, in C Minor, for Piano, on a march by Ernst Christoph Dressler" (Davies, 69). On Beethoven, Neefee asserted that "If he continues like this he will be, without doubt, the new Mozart"(Davies, 108). At the age of 14, he was appointed by the Court of Maximilian Franz, which allowed him to meet several individuals, who continued to love and support him throughout his life. His friends included "The Ries family, the von Breuning family and the charming Eleonore, Karl Amenda, the violinist, Franz Gerhard Wegeler, a doctor, and a dear friend who also went to Vienna, etc" (Davies, 129).

In the year 1787, Beethoven went to Vienna, where he met Mozart. He went to Vienna to enhance his music skills. However, he had to return because of his dying mother; his best friend. In 1792, Beethoven went to Vienna for the second time to learn music. In 1800, he had "organized a new concert at Vienna including, notably, the presentation of his first symphony" (Davies, 211). From then onwards, he was successful in composing several symphonies including Coriolan Overture and Pastoral. "May 7th 1824 was the date of the first playing of the ninth symphony and despite musical difficulties, and problems in the sung parts, it was a success" (Davies, 255). In the year 1827, he passed away.

Beethoven is considered to be one of the most influential composers and musicians of his times. He had been successful in changing the structure of Western music and his works, continue to influence young musicians and composers of our time.

Work Cited

Davies, Peter J. Beethoven in Person: His Deafness, Illnesses, and Death. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2001, Print.



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