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Nadell Chapters 3, 4 and 5 - Study Guide only

Essay by   •  July 16, 2011  •  Study Guide  •  257 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,721 Views

Essay Preview: Nadell Chapters 3, 4 and 5 - Study Guide only

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Your essay needs a claim/thesis and plan of development. See Nadell chapters 3, 4 and 5 to get started with your thesis and information on a plan of development. This information is good stuff! The thesis is the heart of your paper and without a good one, your paper is dead! I hope this example shows you how important a thesis is in your paper.

Sources: Four sources and only two can come from the internet. More or fewer sources will cost you points. Approximately 25% of your paper should be source material. Large chunks of quotes/source material are not allowed. You should use direct quotations for material quoted in your essay. For example, According to Walker Lane, "He is the best modern day author of our time" (12).

Franco Ghilardi's article and the works cited information at the end of the article cannot be used as a source. Use this as foundational/informational material only.

Additional Information: MLA format with 12 point Times New Roman font and 1" margins on all sides. (Double space ENTIRE document - no extra spaces needed)

In-text citations must be included for each source (see MLA information)

Highlight or underline your thesis/claim

Essay must contain the following items:

o Introduction

* Introduces the problem

* States the claim (and possibly the qualifier)

o Body

* Includes a strong concluding statement that reinforces the claim

* Possibly states the warrant

* Presents the backing that supports the warrant

* Presents the grounds that support the claim

* Presents the conditions of rebuttal

o Conclusion

* Includes a strong concluding statement that reinforces the claim

Optional Rough Drafts Due: Wednesday, July 6. All rough drafts received after this date will not be reviewed



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