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Swot Analysis of Resorbable Fixation System

Essay by   •  March 7, 2011  •  Essay  •  280 Words (2 Pages)  •  6,461 Views

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Holding Fast

SWOT Analysis of Resorbable Fixation System

Strengths Company has an ongoing R&D division working on resorbables prototypes

If launched, company would be the pioneer of effective/efficient

resorbable products,

Weakness Not enough knowledge in making the current products efficient

Constraints in technology, current technology does not meet market


Company reputation at stake

Previous market ventures by competitors have failed

Opportunities In demand product

A whole new realm of medical innovations

Key player in resorbable fixation systems market

If successful, company controls large portion of market share

Company status of being the pioneer in producing efficient resorbable

fixation systems

Threats Reliability, the know-how of the product are limited thereby making reliability of such product of immense concern

Introduction on experimental basis can result in repercussions in the form of lawsuit

Q. Should Crescordia launch a resorbabales offering?

A. Two scenarios; IF and IF NOT (Pros and Cons)

I. IF - Crescordia decides on offering the resorbable fixation systems, than:


 Opening of a realm of medical innovations

 Crescordia would be entitled as the pioneer in producing effective and efficient innovative resorbabales.

 Control over a large portion of the products' market.


 Constraints in current technological expertise of the product make it a risky venture.

 The success of the product is entirely depended on the know-how and technological advancement of the product.

 Customer and end user gratification of the product will dictate its efficiency and the company's repute as an effective resorbables



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