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Professional Development Plan

Essay by   •  July 4, 2013  •  Essay  •  842 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,920 Views

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1.0 Introduction:

Professional develop plan is a guideline of the goals, skills and competency development for me in the future. There are totally two possible part of my career development plan. They are internship and graduates jobs. I would choose the suitable position for me in the tourism industry. And then, my career goals and path are also involved in this plan. The test results from Self Assessment Library (Judge & Robbins, 2008) are going to attribute in this career plan. At the same time, there are some relevant findings and materials to discuss my future plan. In the recent plan, I would like to seeking a position in human resource management.

2.0 Rationale and description of targeted employment opportunities

2.1 my career

Career is a progress or course through my life. It also looks as the occupation that the person prefer to do base on their own skills and preference. From the late 20th century, as the improvement of the education for people, the career plan becomes more popular among the young people (Melinde Coetzeet, 2008) It is very important to select a career direction. A career direction is to find the position which is the most suitable for me. It asked us to find out our strength and weakness for the career skills. So we can find a position that can develop our strength and avoid our weakness. The career plan can make me know myself clearly. I can see my own interest and objective for my future life. Career assessments can help me better show my own value and skills in the real life. It also provides more opportunities to find my own potential skills. I can learn more from the process that I apply my knowledge into real case.

Before I apply the graduated job, I will attend a six month internship. Internship is an opportunities for me to manage my own ability, emotion, skills in a easier situation. After I have a short view of myself and the tourism industry. I am going to find a working position with a stable environment, a good future with career plan, and related to my own lifestyle. In the future workplace, I am very worried about the difficult issues that I am going to meet.

Human resource management are focus on the recruitment, management, and providing direction for the staffs ( Phil B. Beaumont, 1993). Nowadays, human resource management becomes more and more important in the companies. Because that human resource department are related with every department in the whole company. It is a difficult task for the human resource manager to put the right person on the right position.

2.2 Industry Sector and Location

With the my pervious research and the study experience in Bachelor Degree in Tourism Management program, I have strong interested in working in the tourism



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